Monday, May 6, 2013

OGGflow customer collaboration - Part #1 - Invitations -> collaboration -> requirements gathering

Monday May 6th 2013 - Atlanta GA

Customer collaboration and team integration is at its best if the effort begins early on even at the first stages of the relationship building and sales process.

OGGflow collaboration tools are built with transparency in mind. The beginning of any long term solution provider / vendor / consultant / advisory relationship is critical in forming the foundation of the teams ability collaborate and produce at maximum potential. Often in many relationships the agility and accuracy in which the teams can succeed together best defines the value of the partnership - often even more so than the cost of technologies applied or the services themselves.

History has proven that it takes great people for any project or team based effort to succeed. When a solution provider and a customer can put their best people together in a social workflow that allows them to perform at peak potential as if they are fellow employees under one mission statement maximum value can be achieved.

The transparency, sharing and collaboration should begin as soon as any form of meaningful goal or project related discussion does. In OGGflow the owner of the relationship should make a dedicated project for interacting with the customer.....

Once created - set the colour of the project to something that your organization identifies as customer facing or as a customer collaboration indicator. When other team members or employees of the organization who touch the project see posts in their task and live feed streams the colour will alert them to the fact that any activity on the project post will be visible to the customer and considered an official documented communication......

Once you have the project configured properly for how your organization works, its time to invite the team! When in the project view, you will see the team member list and invite button on the top right. Simply click invite and select existing team members and customers who have used OGGflow from the contact list, or enter the names and email addresses of project team members who have yet to join OGGflow.

The external team member invites pre-register them for OGGflow access and sends them a quick login link via email so they can quickly get into the project flow with the rest of the team the moment you invite them.....

It shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to have the entire team assembled.

Once everyone is on board the collaborative requirements gathering phase can begin. Stakeholders can post documents, engage in interactive discussions in real time and even collaborate in interactive telepresence working sessions. The requirements themselves will all be documented in OGGflow as the foundation of the customer relationship on day 1. Use the colour set-up in the settings tab to give colour designations to the various types of team members in a project. Executive contacts, technical POCs, account managers and subcontractors can all have their own colour coding which makes it easier to understand what is happening on a project within the team when viewing task reports.

Another great benefit of this approach is that as your customers interact with you in OGGflow and build out their own contact profile, it allows for the organization providing services to automatically be alerted of events in the customers professional social presence such as Twitter or LinkedIn posts that may provide invaluable indicators on the health of a customer account or what is needed to properly support them. Its an organization's responsibility to follow its customers and understand their needs proactively - no matter how they choose to express themselves. OGGflow will make sure your team is never the last to know!

In OGGflow customer collaboration - Part #2 - OGGflow lead gen -> proposals -> quoting -> closing we will explore how to identify and close opportunities with OGGflow and explain how unlimited opportunity is quickly realized on each customer account when complete transparency is applied.

Some additional reading around the web;

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